and it was rough.
I figured it would be but man! I was keeping it around my normal pace which was a struggle in and of itself with the way my thoughts were going, and it felt like I could walk faster. In all honestly I know I wasn't going that slowly.
But I did it, I got back out there when it would have been sooooo much easier to have a cup of coffee, or do my errands, hit the bookstore (btw, I need a new one, any book recommendations?)
Today's weather was wonderful so that helped, although I was wearing my pants rather than my capris and wished I was in the latter so I was warm and I knew I didn't drink enough water over the weekend and that I wasn't hydrated enough.
Back on the bandwagon, back to behaving and getting out there. I'm even thinking of joining the half marathon clinic thats starting next week. I need goals.
Nice work getting back out there though! At least you know it will get easier quickly. I need goals too or I do nothing!